Barbara Cortat Simoneli
Barbara Cortat Simoneli is a Master's student in Education at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (PPGE-UFES), supervised by Prof. Dr. Kyria Finardi.
Barbara has a degree in English Literature from UFES. She worked in the first semester of 2019 as a volunteer in the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) coordinated by the teachers
Drs Luciana Ferrari and Lívia Fortes, internal volunteer of the UFES and CBLA extension project (CBLA: Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics) in 2019/2 coordinated by Professor Dr. Dr Kyria Finardi.
SIMONELI, Barbara Cortat. A FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES DE LÍNGUA INGLESA A PARTIR DA ÓTICA FREIREANA: AUTORITARISMO, AUTORIDADE E AUTONOMIA. Dissertação de mestrado - Universidade federal do Espírito Santo. Vitória, ES. 172 f. 2023.
SIMONELI, Barbara Cortat; FINARDI, Kyria Rebeca. Habitus and Teacher Education in Higher Education: Reflections of a Supervisor and a Master Student during Teaching Internship. STUDIES IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, v. 11, p. p57, 2023.
SIMONELI, B.; FINARDI, K.. Meeting the Other in Literature and ELT through the critical analysis of a short story. Studies in English Language Teaching, v. 8, p. 1-21, 2020.
SIMONELI, B.. REFLEXÕES FREIREANAS SOBRE A EXPERIÊNCIA EM UM PROGRAMA DE INICIAÇÃO À DOCÊNCIA. In: Adriana Cristina Sambugaro de Mattos Brahim; Ana Paula Marques Beato-Canato. (Org.). Pedagogia freireana, educação linguística e linguística aplicada. 1ed.São Paulo: PIMENTA CULTURAL, 2021, p. 1-294.