ALAB 30 years
The Association of Applied Linguistics of Brazil (ALAB) completed 30 years on June 26, 2020. On this anniversary there was a chat between the presidents of the Association.
The schedule can be accessed at: ALAB Programming 30 years. pdf
Here is the link to the stream: .
Presidents of ALAB – Kyria Finardi
ALAB 30 Years Event

The ALAB website can be accessed at .
The lectures, online tables, coffees with ALAB and the commemorative table can/can be found below or on ALAB's youtube channel:
06/25 – Lecture: Queer theories, performativity and linguistic ideology
commemorative table
06/26 – ALAB Commemorative Table – Our Memory and History under Construction – 30 years
online table
06/30 – Mesa Online: Dialogues on housing and Covid-19: limits of isolation in favelas.
07/08 – Mesa Online: Dialogues on housing and Covid-19: limits of isolation in favelas:
07/15 – Online Table: Literacy in the context of Literacy:
Special Issue Desterro
Call for a Special Edition of Ilha do Desterro Magazine in celebration of ALAB's 30th anniversary