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Research and Academic  Material

Hello, this page was created with the aim of providing various contents in order to support researchers on both research and academic writing. 

We have gathered different materials from various sources and platforms, such as: youtube, texts/artciles, websites, among others.

Among the materials, you can find: online tutorials, training, articles, texts and websites with advice.

Click on the following topics to access the contents

Training: access to research database

Moreover, the Central Library of UFES provides, in continuous flow, an online course (MOOC) about the Mendeley tool. At the end of the course, the student will have a certificate.

Also, in the same virtual environment, a course about the APA norms is offered. This course was updated according to the guidelines that are in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual.

Although the course is online and asynchronous, the students can count on the support of the librarian team of the Central Library. Even though it is not offered in continuous flow, still in the first semester, there will be some spots for the university community. The platform is accesses through the following link:

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