Academic / Professional
21/01 End of Vacations
22/01 Return classes UFES 2024-2
27/01 AILA EB meeting
8 -22 Visit of student (Esteban) from UCM, Chile to UFES
11/02 end of early bird CBLA
17/02 homologação resultado seleção PPGE
19-21 AITLA https://sites.google.com/unimc.it/xxv-congresso-aitla/AItLA2025?authuser=0
21 - EMITI Meeting - 8:30 e 10:30
25 - 8:30 Qualification SAMUEL CARLOS CANDA - UFG
26/02 noon (Brazil) 4pm (Spain) Master Class at UV
1-4 Carnival
8-15 - Esteban Ayala (UCM) visit to UFES as part of FOVI
10 and 24 - DLCE
16th - 9am - Core EB
26 - at 14h GTOI Meeting
28 - EMITI Meeting - 8:30 e 10:30
1 Kick off Plenary 1 BRASUIS 4
1-5 Visit UCM/UC Chile as part of FOVI
4 - Seminar UC as part of FOVI
8 Plenary 2 BRASUIS 4
11/04 - 09/07 - planned LC
14 and 28 - DLCE
18 - EMITI Meeting - 8:30 e 10:30
23 - at 14h GTOI Meeting
26-30 Faubai 2025 https://faubai.org.br/conf/2025/
29 Plenary 3 BRASUIS4
6 Plenary 4 BRASUIS 4
9 Seminar University of Pavio, Italy
12 and 26 - DLCE
13 Plenary 5 BRASUIS4 /submit memorial for titular
15 Deadline propose change bylaws (2 months B4 EBIC)
20 Plenary 6 BRASUIS4
21 - 14h GTOI Meeting
23 - EMITI Meeting - 8:30 e 10:30
27 Plenary 7 BRASUIS4
27 - 8:30 - 11:30am Keynote - Interculturality, Internationalization and the role of Languages: big words and dreams of Integration - University of Mons in Belgium
2-7 International Week, Crete, Greece https://12iw.hmu.gr/
9-12 - Fiexpo Latin America https://fiexpolatinamerica.com/en/
9 and 23 - DLCE
19-21 Female Voices Summer Show Case British Academy
26 e 27 - 3th International Conference on Digital Linguistics https://cilidi.webs.upv.es/en/
27 - EMITI Meeting - 8:30 e 10:30
4 - 15:00 / 16:00 Swiss time / 10:00 Brasilia time mestrado Kim/BF
12-18 CBLA https://eventos.congresse.me/14cbla
14 and 28 - DLCE
25 - EMITI Meeting - 8:30 e 10:30
11 Progressão Titular
11 and 25 - DLCE
4-6 BAAL Conference https://www.baal.org.uk/what-we-do/annual-conference/
22 - DLCE
24-27 ICLHE, Porto Alegre https://www.iclhe.org/post/iclhe-conference-2025-fixed-dates
Indonesia - TEFLIN-ALTI Conference, on 8-10 October 2025. The Teflin-ALTI with the theme Reimagining English Language Education in the Age of AI and Digital Transformation: Integrating Inclusive Education and Cultural Diversity
13 and 27 - DLCE
1st week SAE in Santa Maria, RS https://www.ufsm.br/laboratorios/labler/symposium-of-academic-exchange
10 and 24 - DLCE
08 - DLCE
21st UV Seminar
23 Defesa Nayara Mandarino
1 - PRP Carlos Coventry
8 - Pre V Conpla
British Council/Leverhulme grant for project Female Voices in the Third Space: Researching Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in South-North Collaborative Online International Learning
25 Research group meetings. Ana Rachel
Day 17 from 9am to 11am - English in internationalization processes - Federal University of Paraná
23 UFES & BFH 2nd edition VE G&C
13 Interview Unicollaboration
17 - 10h (Brazil) AIALA
20 Banca José Bueno (UNESP)
23 Kick-off Virtual Exchange Artificial Intelligence in Education
28 Plenary BRASUIS
Day 3 - Orleane's Thesis Defense at UNEB
Day 4 - BRASUIS 2 Closing and Presentation
Day 5 - goFLUENT - The Role of Languages in the Internationalization of Higher Education
6th - 1:30 PM Research Group Meeting. Renini and Bárbara
7th and 21st at 2:00 PM - Research Group Meeting
14th - Virtual Exchange as an EDI-compliant Approach to Language Education: A Global South-North Research-Informed Seminar at Coventry University > Click here to register
Day 19 - 3.30pm Internationalist women's network meeting REGIES Abya Yala
20th - 1:30 PM Research Group Meeting. Claudio and Vilker
21st - Lorena Luna's Thesis Defense at the University of Évora, Portugal
24th - Fapes Universal Meeting at the Federal University of Goiás
25th - Qualis 2 Reninni Taquini
27th - 10:30 AM (Brazil) EMI Seminar at the University of Aveiro, Portugal
Day 1 - 10:30 AM (Brazil), EMI Seminar at the University of Aveiro, Portugal
Day 4 - 1:30 PM Research Group Meeting. Elisa and Carol.
Day 8 - Kyria Finardi: "Bridges, Boats, and Belonging: Internationalization as Collaboration" from 18:00 to 19:00 (Brasília)
Day 18 - Between 1pm and 3pm EMITI Meeting
5th and 19th at 2:00 PM - Research Group Meeting
July 22 - August 10 Vacations
9-10 EBIC
11-16 AILA KL - https://aila2024.com/
23th at 2 PM (Research Group Meeting)
24-31 Universidad Católica de Maule, Chile
September 5, 2024, at 9 AM: Cesário's Master's Thesis Defense.
8-12 BERA em Manchester, UK - https://www.bera.ac.uk/conference/bera-conference-2024-and-wera-focal-meeting/abstract-submission > Presenting Female Voices in the Third Space: Researching Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in South-North Collaborative Online International Learning
Day 12 - 10:30 Italian Consulate
16-18 EnANPAD and open seminar at UFSC https://eventos.anpad.org.br/pt_br/event/details/131
20th at 2 PM (Research Group Meeting)
30th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM - "English in Internationalization Processes" - UFPR
Day 10 - Final PROFIX Report from 10/10/22 to 10/10/24
Day 14 - Virtual exchange as a strategy for Internationalization at Home: Training for faculty (UNESP, UFES, and UFG)
Day 16 Erasmus Day - Virtual Exchange and Internationalization of the Curriculum
October 18 at 9 AM: Barbara Simoneli's Qualification Exam.
18th at 2 PM (Research Group Meeting)
Day 21 - Virtual exchange as a strategy for Internationalization at Home: Training for faculty (UNESP, UFES, and UFG)
24-26 ELINET - https://elinet.org.uk/conferences/2nd-annual-elinet-conference-global-voices-local-impact-education-language-and-diversity/speakers
Day 4 - Virtual exchange as a strategy for Internationalization at Home: Training for faculty (UNESP, UFES, and UFG)
6-8 AEDEAN Conference, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), Seville, Spain https://eventos.upo.es/91834/detail/47th-aedean-conference.html
8 - English as a Global Language - UV
12 - 14 1IX CLAFPL 2024: 9th Latin American Congress on Teacher Training in Languages
14 - Higher Education Internationalization Event at UFRN
18-21 - V Paraguayan Congress of Applied Linguistics (CONPLA)
20 - 14:00 - Language Diversity, Inclusion and Equity towards Social Justice: big dreams and some ideas - CONPLA
22 - 14:00 - (Research Group Meeting)
25-28 Anped Sudeste https://regionais.anped.org.br/sudeste2024/
27th - 13:00-14:00 Collaborative Online International Learning as a Postdigital Connected, Embodied, Relational (Socio) Material Third Space: Female Voices
28-30 de novembro IALIC em Bourdeaux, França https://ialic2024.sciencesconf.org/
Day 30 - Partial Fapes Universal Report 28/2022
06/12 at 9h PhD Defense Carlos Hildeblando Junior
17/12 at 9h PhD Defense Roberta Gomes Leão
17-18 / 12 EMITI Seminar 2024 - UFES
18/12 at 9h PhD Defense Reninni Taquini
20 - 12/01 Vacations
30/12 at 9h PhD Defense Ana Rachel Mendes