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Image by Markus Winkler


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Debate about internationalization possibilities in the Letras area

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Professor Kyria Finardi, in october 2023, will participate as keynote speaker in "The 10th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China".


The Association of Applied Linguistics Worldwide (, AILA for the French abbreviation – Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée –  founded in 1964 in France, today it has approximately 10 thousand members spread in regional and national associations linked to AILA in more than 40 countries.

In Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics - ALAB - ( ) linked to AILA completed 30 years last year and had professor Kyria Rebeca Finardi  of the DCLE/PPGE/PPGEL/UFES as its president in the 2018-2019 biennium, when it organized the 12th Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics (CBLA), held for the first time in Vitória, ES ( kyriafinardi/videos/12o-cbla/

which had the presentation of approximately 600 works by applied linguists from all regions of Brazil and abroad.

In 2020, Professor Kyria Finardi had the support of AILA and its national associations in Brazil (ALAB), Spain (AESLA), United States (AAAL) and Mexico (AMLA) to create the Iberoamerican Association of Applied Linguistics (AIALA) ( )

with the objective of promoting the two main languages of the region (Spanish and Portuguese) in addition to the minority languages of the region, among them the indigenous languages.

On August 14, 2021, during the assembly that preceded the opening of the AILA world congress in Groningen, Netherlands ( ) Professor Kyria Finardi was elected to compose the AILA board in the role of vice president (2021-2023), president (2024-2026) and  past president (2027-2029), being the first Brazilian and Latin American to hold this position in the history of AILA.

Book release

Applied Linguistics in Contemporary: Themes & Challenges​

From July 12 to 15, 2021, the launch event of the book Linguistics Applied in Contemporaneity: Themes & Challenges will take place, organized by Kyria Finardi, Christine Almeida and Gabriel Amorim.

The event will feature conversation circles with the authors who participated in this book and which will be available on the youtube channel.

To access the full program of the event click on the pdf icon, to access the youtube channel click on the channel logo, and to access the book purchase website click on the book cover below:

YouTube Videos

Information about the book

The book Applied Linguistics in Contemporary: Themes and Challenges brings together works presented at the 12th Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics (CBLA), promoted by the Brazilian Applied Linguistics Association (ALAB), held in Vitória in July 2019. There are 10 chapters divided into 4 sections : Gender and Identity Studies: Translation and Deocolonial Studies; Language Teaching and Teacher Training; and Language Policies and Internationalization. The approaches and themes explored by 14 authors include, among others, Discourse Analysis, Language Education, Translation and Audio Description Studies, and Complexity Studies. The book was organized by Kyria Rebeca Finardi, Christine Sant'Anna de Almeida and Gabriel Brito Amorim. The authors are: Atef El Kadri, Camila Moreira, Carmem Caetano, Daniel Ferraz, Deise Medina, Elaine Ferreira do Vale Borges, Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira, Joaquim Cesar Cunha dos Santos, Juliana Zeggio Martinez, Lucyenne Matos da Costa Vieira-Machado, Maria José Coracini, Michele El Kadri, Patrick de Rezende Ribeiro, Taisa Pinetti Passoni, Vilson José Leffa and Wilson Junior de Araújo Carvalho. The edition is by Pontes Editores.

The book is on sale with a 20% discount on the publisher's website ( ). Submission information by moderate printed mail can be obtained from Margareth (


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