Welcome to Professor Kyria Finardi's Homepage
Kyria Finardi
I am a senior lecturer, associate professor and researcher in the Department of Languages, Culture and Education (DLCE) and the graduate program of Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) with 15 years of experience in higher education research, teaching and practice. I am also a multilingual speaker, teacher educator, internationalisation scholar, practitioner, educator and author of more than a hundred papers.
At UFES I founded and worked as the Coordinator of the Language Division of the International Office between 2012-2020 and am a member of Permanent Internationalization Board ever since. At the undergraduate level, my teaching focuses on pre-service English language teacher education and at the graduate level it focuses on aspects related to language policies, multilingualism, education, the use of technology in education, decolonial perspectives on education and internationalisation of higher education, the role of technologies and languages in the production and dissemination of academic knowledge.
My research interests range from decolonisation of knowledge; internationalisation; the role of languages and technologies in education and multilingualism. My texts and talks are usually on those themes and in languages such as Portuguese, English and Spanish though I also speak and learn other languages. See the academic research section of my website for my papers and chapters and my Google Scholar page. (with more than 2,500 citations). For a complete look at my academic CV please see the Brazilian online data base Lattes http://lattes.cnpq.br/1076562311962755 or click here to download my CV in English
I have presented my research and spoken at numerous international academic and professional conferences (click here for more info). I have developed and taught courses in partnership with universities in Spain, Switzerland, UK, Turkey Chile and Colombia using virtual exchange (see info here) and have successfully supervised more than twenty Masters students, ten PhD students and five post-doctoral fellows since 2012 as director of studies/advisor and co-supervised Masters and PhD students in Spain, Switzerland and the UK since 2020, some of whom are in cotutelle regime.
President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), co-founder and Coordinator of the IberoAmerican Association of Applied Linguistics (AIALA) and co-founder of AILA Research Network EME, SDGs and EDI.
I have a substantial track record as principal and co- investigator on large scale international education research projects having established academic partnerships with universities in all continents: in Latin America (University Alberto Hurtado and Catholic University of Maule in Chile, Autonomous Metropolitan University in Mexico, universities Distrital and Unitropico in Colombia), North America (Florida Atlantic University and Colorado State University in the USA and Alberta University in Canada), Europe (Pablo de Olavide University, University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, University Jaume I in Spain, University of Groningen in Holland, University of Ghent in Belgium, University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland, Ruhr University of Bochum in Germany, University of Padua in Italy, Gazi University in Turkey and Coventry University in the UK), Africa (University of Nigeria in Nigeria and Rhodes University in South Africa) and Asia (Malaya University in Malaysa, the Polytechnic University in Shenzhen and the Beijing Foreign Studies University in China).
I have been awarded financial support through Fapes, Capes Print and Cnpq in Brazil, Generalitat Valenciana in Spain, Fullbright in the USA and Confap, Newton Fund, Leverhulme, Oxford Univeristy Press, BAAL and British Council in the UK (click here for a list of funded projects and received support). My portfolio of skills includes critical thinking; innovative and active learning; interpersonal and communication skills; public speaking and intercultural competence.

The Research Group on Education, Multilingualism, Internationalization, Technology, and English (EMITI) is hosting the 2024 Seminar. The event will feature presentations by renowned researchers:
December 17th at 4:00 PM: Prof. Dr. Simone Sarmento (UFRGS) will discuss "Academic Publishing in Brazil: A Comparative Analysis of Linguistic Choices Across Different Fields of Knowledge."
December 18th at 2:00 PM: Prof. Dr. Juliana Salvadori (UNEB) will present "BRASUIS and PHI-BRAZ: Learning Through Virtual Exchange and Internationalization at Home."
The presentations will take place in Room 26M at the PPGE, UFES. Don't miss it!
Professor Kyria Finardi, from the Department of Languages, Culture and Education (DLCE) and the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at UFES, as an associated international researcher, is part of a team whose project has been selected by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) to receive funding for its development.
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The 5th Paraguayan Congress of Applied Linguistics will be held virtually, bringing together researchers from Paraguay and around the world, promoting the exchange of knowledge on languages and culture. Organized by the National University of Asunción, it welcomes works on language teaching, translation, literature, and studies that improve life through language.