Applied Linguistics in Contemporaneity: Themes and Challenges

The book Applied Linguistics in Contemporary: Themes and Challenges brings together works presented at the 12th Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics (CBLA), promoted by the Brazilian Applied Linguistics Association (ALAB), held in Vitória in July 2019. There are 10 chapters divided into 4 sections : Gender and Identity Studies: Translation and Deocolonial Studies; Language Teaching and Teacher Training; and Language Policies and Internationalization. The approaches and themes explored by 14 authors include, among others, Discourse Analysis, Language Education, Translation and Audio Description Studies, and Complexity Studies. The book was organized by Kyria Rebeca Finardi, Christine Sant'Anna de Almeida and Gabriel Brito Amorim. The authors are: Atef El Kadri, Camila Moreira, Carmem Caetano, Daniel Ferraz, Deise Medina, Elaine Ferreira do Vale Borges, Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira, Joaquim Cesar Cunha dos Santos, Juliana Zeggio Martinez, Lucyenne Matos da Costa Vieira-Machado, Maria José Coracini, Michele El Kadri, Patrick de Rezende Ribeiro, Taisa Pinetti Passoni, Vilson José Leffa and Wilson Junior de Araújo Carvalho. The edition is by Pontes Editores.
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The diversity of actions around language: universities, colleges and basic education in action
This book portrays the dynamics of the ideas of the coordinated sessions of the IV Congress of Linguistic Studies (IV Conel), held at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), on November 16 and 17, 2017, under the theme “Language, discourse and politics: contemporary challenges” and consists of 23 chapters, involving 88 people, a final product of 23 of the 26 coordinated sessions. We emphasize the importance of the work because it is configured as a democratic space for the exchange of actions with protagonists and plural narratives that transit through universities, colleges and schools. The organizers are teachers who also travel in these spaces.

FINARDI, KYRIA REBECA; SCHERRE, MM (Org.); TESCH, LM (Org.); CARVALHO, HM (Org.). The diversity of actions around language: universities, colleges and basic education in action. 1. ed. Campinas: Pontes /PPGEL, 2019. v. 1. 376p.
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English in the South

The teaching/learning/use of English plays a key role in the geopolitical South. It is important to consider how players in different contexts are impacted by English since globalization and one of its agent, internationalization of higher education, have more positive impacts on the “North” than in the “South” mainly due to a linguistic bias which favors English-speaking countries and those which, despite speaking other native languages, adopted English as the language of instruction. So as to see how these forces are interpreted in the geopolitical South this book offers a glimpse of how English is taught, learned, used and seen in different contexts in Latin America and in the global “South”.
FINARDI, KYRIA REBECA. English in the South. 1. ed. Londrina: EDUEL, 2019. v. 1. 312p.
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This work is the result of works presented in conferences and round tables of the IV CONEL - CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE ESTUDOS LINGUÍSTICOS -, carried out by the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PPGEL), of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), in November 2017. The theme of the congress, Language, Discourse and Politics: contemporary challenges, which gives its title to the work, very well reflects and refracts the contemporary Brazilian and global socio-political context, within which conservative, fascist tendencies are forged, which they question human rights, are repulsed by diversities and want to place themselves in an undemocratic power relationship, that is, without the participation of the broad, complex and heterogeneous mass of the population.

Such a stance directly affects human relations with languages and with languages, given that, as the theme of the congress indicates, language, language, discourse and politics are indissoluble, or, in other words, language and politics are mixed. , yes, within the discourses. Directly or indirectly, the chapters presented here go in that direction, have this perspective, that language and discourse are politically constitutive and that, in the same way, policies are constitutive of languages and discourses. We hope that the readings proposed here are lively and powerful, and that they build networks of thought and action, for a better world, for a more human Brazil.
the organizers
FINARDI, KYRIA REBECA; SCHERRE, MM (Org.); VIDON, L. (Org.). Language, Discourse and Politics: Contemporary Challenges. 1. ed. Campinas: Pontes/PPGEL, 2019. v. 1. 259p.
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Transiting and transposing in applied linguistics

The 12th CBLA, held in Vitória/ES, from July 9 to 12, 2019, sought to discuss the role of the applied linguist in different discursive domains and ways to better disseminate the knowledge built in the area. With the theme “Transiting and transposing (in)Applied Linguistics”, the 12th CBLA had 4 conferences, 3 roundtables, 8 invited symposia, 1 plenary of balances and perspectives, in addition to about 600 thematic communications and 50 posters. This book brings together works presented in the plenary sessions of the event – conferences, round tables and invited symposia, with the aim of enabling the discussions initiated at the event to transpose the event and transit through other spaces and researchers.
FINARDI, KYRIA REBECA; TILIO, R. (Org.); BORGES, V. (Org.); DELLAGNELO, A. (Org.); RAMOS, E. (Org.). Transiting and transposing in applied linguistics. 1. ed. Campinas: Pontes, 2019. v. 1. 323p.
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Research in education and languages: perspectives in dialogue
This book represents a collective effort of the Education and Languages research line of the Graduate Program in Education – PPGE, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year and which began to be thought of on the occasion of the program's 30th anniversary. The themes and research objects discussed here permeate different languages in the interface with education within the tripartition between Mathematical, Verbal and Visual Language. We hope that the reader will find in this work significant contributions to dialogue with new paths and research practices in the area of Education and Languages.
FINARDI, KYRIA REBECA. Research in education and languages: perspectives in dialogue. 1. ed. Campinas: Pontes, 2018. v. 1. 284p.
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English in Brazil : views, policies and programs
The discussion of the role of English in Brazil is at the center of the discussion of the changes recently experienced in that country which is going through a moment of political awakening. Many are the claims and demands of the society and insomuch as educational reform is involved, there seems to be a general recognition that the role of English in that country must be reviewed in language policies and programs so as to meet these demands. Brazilian government funded programs such as English without Borders have been an attempt to readdress the perceived imbalances in terms of the power of English courses.

Despite the importance of this program in the national scenario, it is not available for all levels of education nor for all tertiary population. and chapters in this book describe different views, actions and programs in relation to English in Brazil and which show that the discussion of the role of English in that country summarizes many political, social and economic claims of the population and tensions in the country which help to understand the current scenario in Brazil in relation to globalization. With a population of over 200 million people and many challenges (and possibilities) in the economic and educational sectors, the discussion of the impact of globalization in Brazil (and the role of English within it) represents a relevant glimpse into the struggle of other developing nations and the world in general.
FINARDI, KYRIA REBECA. English in Brazil : views, policies and programs. 1. ed. Londrina: EDUEL, 2016. v. 1. 232p.
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Teachers' beliefs on and use of ludic language in the EFL class
Based on the assumption that to better understand teaching we must comprehend the beliefs held by teachers (Freeman & Richards, 1996), and specifically in the case of language teachers the beliefs about language (Woods, 1993), this research focuses on the relation between the use of and the beliefs on a specific kind of language, namely, ludic language, of two EFL teachers. In order to investigate that, two experienced EFL teachers were observed for a semester, during which field notes were taken and audio-tapes recorded.

Episodes of ludic language were identified in the recordings and transcribed to be used in the second stage of this study when they were shown to the teachers so as to stimulate their reflection on their action and express some of their beliefs about this kind of language. This study adopted a qualitative, ethnography-oriented paradigm and has an interpretive and descriptive nature. Overall results of the study seem to suggest that teachers' beliefs are more important than other factors (such as theory or empirical evidence) in determining teachers' actions thus the importance of studying the issue further.
FINARDI, KR. Teachers' beliefs on and use of ludic language in the EFL class. 1. ed. Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co.KG, 2010.
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Working Memory Capacity in Second Language Learning: Evidence from the acquisition of a syntatic structure in L2 speech

Working Memory Capacity and L2 Learning. This study investigated whether working memory capacity is related to the acquisition of a syntactic structure in L2 speech explained in terms of the playplay of controlled and automatic processes and up to the operation of a dual code cognitive system of a rule-based memory- based system. Working memory is assumed to be involved in the execution of controlled processes operating in the rule-base system.
Linguistic accounts of syntactic processing are also used to explain the data. Overall results show that working memory capacity is related to the acquisition of a complex syntactic structure in L2 speech and that this process is mediated by working memory capacity operating on controlled processes in the rule-based system. Results are discussed in terms of the linguistic and psycholinguistic complexity of the syntactic structure capacity investigated, processing relation to working memory form versus processing of meaning, the acquisition of a rule by the rule-based system, L1 and L2 linguistic variations and constrains in L2 speech production, presenting both quantitative and qualitative data to foreground the discussion.
FINARDI, KR. Working Memory Capacity in Second Language Learning: Evidence from the acquisition of a syntatic structure in L2 speech. 1. ed. Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co.KG, 2010. v. 1. 217p.
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