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  • 01 – Event “XXIV Meeting of the Northeast Regional of FAUBAI” at 17-18:30h. Roundtable  “Sustainability of internationalization in times of a pandemic: current panorama”.

  • 12/01 – Event “English in the Global South” at 2:30-4p.m

    Authors: Gabriela Freire Oliveira Piccin and Kyria Rebeca Finardi.

  • 04 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm.

  • 09-11 – XXXV Enanpoll, online (UEL).

  • 10 – Doctoral defense Paola Biehl.

  • 30 – Defense of Roberta Leão (PPGE) and Reninni Taquini (PPGE).


  • 06 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Study. Mediator: Gabi
    Text : (1) LEAL, Fernanda Geremias; MORAES, Mário Cesar Barreto (2018).
    (2) STEIN, Sharon; DE ANDREOTTI, Vanessa Oliveira. (2016).
    (3) ANDREOTTI, Vanessa Oliveira et al. (2016).
    (4) LEAL, Fernanda Geremias; OREGIONI, Maria Soledad. (2019).

  • 09-11 – “Research Methods in Language and Linguistics” from the Master's in Advanced English Studies,  as part of the activities included in the project UVemprén-Aprén UC Berkeley “Global InnovationCollider”  coordinated by Ana Sevilla-Pavón, from 4pm to 8pm (University of Valencia).

  • 13 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Study. Moderator: Gabi.

  • 19 – Touch base meeting to discuss blog, organization and WERA RIN at 10 am.

  • 20 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm.
    Guests: Fernanda Leal and Vanessa Andreotti
    Note: It's Carlos's B'day!!!!

  • 23 – Launch of Jane Knight's book “Internationalization of higher education: concepts and trends” at 5 pm.

  • 25 – International Talks Webinars.

  • 26 – Decolonial Mate (du Preez, 2018 and Tuck & Yang, 2012) at 4pm.

  • 27 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Rehearsal (defense). Mediators: Roberta and Renini.

  • 02 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm.
    Study. Mediator: Carlos
    Text : DE SOUSA SANTOS, Boaventura (2004).

  • 07 – IFBA Internationalization Seminar at 4pm.

  • 09 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm.
    Study. Mediator: Thiago
    Texts: (1) Schoorman, D. (2014).
    (2) Schoorman, D. & Bogotch, I. (2010).
    (3) Schoorman, D. (2016).
    (4) Schoorman, D. (nd).

  • 09 – Banking Renata Mello.

  • 16 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Study. Mediator: Thiago.

  • 23 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm.
    Guest (internationalization): Dilys Schoorman

  • 28 – ALAB – AIALA Round Table at 2 pm.

  • 30 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Mediator Orientation: Kyria

  • 04 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Mediator Orientation: Kyria
    Anpoll Language and Technology GT - Ead and Pandemic at 19 pm.

  • 11 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Study Mediator: Elisa.
    Text : ASHCROFT, B., GRIFFITHS, G., TIFFIN, H. (1991).

  • 16 – Decolonial Mate at 2pm.

  • 16-18 | Event  – XII Unesp Linguistic Studies Seminar (SELin)
    Theme “Dialogues between Linguistics and society: theoretical and practical perspectives”.
    conference at the table  “Teaching and learning languages: dialogues with society”, which will take place on September 17, at 5:30 pm and ends at 7:00 pm.  

  • 18 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm. Study Mediator: Felipe
    Text: Pigozzi, MJ (2006).

  • 24 -  Guest at the Education and Languages Course, Theme: Internationalization, time 2:00-3:30 pm.

  • 25 – Orientation meeting at 2 pm.
    Guests (EMI and PL): Brett Diaz, Rosana Villares and Marcelo Kremer.
    Texts: (1) Diaz, BA, & Hall, MK (2020).
    (2) Maldonado, RV (2019).
    (3) Kremer, M., & Valcke, M. (2014).

  • 29 – Quali Maria Cecília Mendes Banking at 2pm.

  • 7-8 – EB/IC AILA Meeting (Groningen, Holland).

  • 28 – Doctoral defense Andressa Molinari (PGE/UEL)


  • 07/21 – Presentation (live) Abralin at 10 am.
    Title – The danger of a single language
    Authors: Kyria Finardi (UFES) and Laura Gurzynski-Weiss (University of Indiana/AILA).

  • 28 - I CIPES (Brasilia)
    I International Colloquium on Research in Higher Education


  • 26 – Celebration of 30 years of ALAB-  an online conversation with members between 6:00 pm and  9 pm

  • 02 – Bank of Thais Cons – UFPR.

  • 30 – Defense by Felipe Guimarães.

  • 02 – Banking of Carolina Francisco – PPGEL.

  • 22-26 – CIES 2020 (Miami, Florida)
    Conferences of the Comparative and International Education Society .

  • 18 – PPGEL Banking (Karina Fadini).

  • 19 – Defenses Gabriel Amorim.

  • 20 – PPGEL Banking (Daniel Marques).

  • University of Valencia (Spain).

  • Technical visit to Coventry University (England).

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