Meeting with the ALACHI Board
Record of the meeting for the establishment of the Chilean Applied Linguistics Association (ALACHI) at PUC Chile in August 2024. In the photo, the AILA President, Kyria Finardi, is pictured with the ALACHI board: President Valeria Sumonte (Universidad Católica de Maule), Vice-President Francisco Orellana (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Secretary Andrea Lizasoain (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), and Treasurer Ester Quiroz (Universidad de Concepción).
Universidad Católica del Maule celebró cierre de exitoso proyecto sobre cultura y lengua
La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la UCM destacó el esfuerzo académico que marca un hito significativo en la enseñanza de idiomas y la inclusión cultural en el sistema educativo chileno.
En presencia de autoridades locales y universitarias, investigadores y estudiantes de las carreras de pedagogía se desarrolló el hito de cierre del proyecto Fondecyt de Iniciación (11190448), “Diálogo entre cultura y lengua como elemento facilitador de la inclusión de migrantes adultos no hispanoparlantes” que desarrolló la Dra. Valeria Sumonte Rojas, gracias al apoyo de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID)
La jornada, que coincidió con la 5ta versión del Seminario de Investigación, contó con la participación de destacados invitados quienes compartieron sobre cómo innovar por la enseñanza de lenguas.
La académica líder del proyecto, Dra. Valeria Sumonte, destacó la relevancia de esta investigación, la cual se enfocó en cómo integrar la cultura en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua. “El objetivo principal del proyecto era demostrar la importancia de incluir la cultura no sólo desde una perspectiva nacional, sino entendida desde un contexto global. Al enseñar inglés, por ejemplo, no se trata sólo de aprender sobre culturas de habla inglesa, sino de comprendernos mutuamente a través de un enfoque intercultural”, afirmó.
Esta visión cobra mayor importancia en un momento en que el Ministerio de Educación de Chile ha actualizado las bases curriculares para 2024, integrando un fuerte componente intercultural en la enseñanza del inglés.
Fortaleciendo la Docencia e Investigación
El decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la UCM (FACED), Dr. Rodrigo Vargas Vitoria, subrayó la importancia de este tipo de proyectos en el marco de la investigación científica y la docencia universitaria. “Este quinto encuentro es una excelente oportunidad para que tanto estudiantes como académicos compartan sus avances investigativos. Además, refuerza nuestra proyección internacional, con la participación de colegas de la Universidad Espíritu Santo de Brasil”, comentó. El Decano enfatizó la intención de la facultad de seguir fortaleciendo las líneas de investigación en docencia y en las propias disciplinas que se enseñan, asegurando que estos avances contribuyan a la formación de futuros educadores.
Por su parte, el director comunal de educación, Oscar Gálvez, hizo eco de la importancia del inglés como herramienta esencial en la formación de ciudadanos globales. “El inglés es el idioma universal, clave para el trabajo, los estudios y la interacción intercultural. Es fundamental que la enseñanza de este idioma comience desde edades tempranas para desarrollar competencias comunicativas interculturales”, sostuvo. Además, destacó las iniciativas que se están llevando a cabo en la comuna para fortalecer la enseñanza del inglés, incluyendo alianzas estratégicas con universidades y programas de intercambio con estudiantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Canadá.
El cierre de este proyecto no sólo marca el fin de una importante investigación, sino que también abre nuevas perspectivas para la enseñanza del inglés y la integración cultural en Chile, alineándose con las políticas educativas nacionales y las demandas de una sociedad cada vez más globalizada.
Crédito: DIRCOM UCM.
BAAL-Cambridge University Press Seminar
Virtual Exchange (VE) as an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)-compliant approach to language education: a Global South-North research-informed seminar.
It was a privilege to be given the opportunity to organise and host the BAAL-Cambridge University Press seminar: Virtual Exchange (VE) as an EDI-compliant approach to language education: a Global South-North research-informed seminar on the 14th June 2024 (
The seminar was delivered in hybrid mode. Fifty five participants attended, twenty four of whom came in person to the Languages Centre at Coventry University. Attendees joined from Higher Education institutions located both in the UK (e.g. Birmingham, Coventry, Leeds, Open University, Northumbria, Stirling and Warwick) and all over the world (e.g. Algeria, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Finland, Kuwait, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland, Spain, The Netherlands and Türkiye). The audience included tenured academic staff, early career researchers, doctoral students and learning technologists and this provided a nice opportunity to reflect on the seminar topic from a variety of learning, teaching and research viewpoints.
VE is gaining traction as a sustainable, equitable, inclusive and transformational postmodern approach in language education that allows for powerful intercultural knowledge-sharing, while also fostering the acquisition of transversal skills such as resilience, flexibility and respect for ‘the other’. However, the aim of the seminar was also to discuss whether or not issues of unequal access and digital inclusion/exclusion are adequately addressed in VE theorisation and practice in the field of language education and beyond.
The EVOLVE project defines VE as:
a practice, supported by research, that consists of sustained, technology-enabled, people-to-people education programmes or activities in which constructive communication and interaction takes place between individuals or groups who are geographically separated and/or from different cultural backgrounds, with the support of educators or facilitators. Virtual Exchange combines the deep impact of intercultural dialogue and exchange with the broad reach of digital technology (
The first speaker was Dr Mirjam Hauck, Associate Head of School, Internationalisation, Equality, Diversion and Inclusion, Open University and President of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EuroCALL), with her talk: Language education for Critical Global Citizenship through Virtual Exchange. Dr Hauck pointed out that while VE practices can promote EDI, VE is not inherently equitable and inclusive. It can reproduce colonial power dynamics, perpetuate existing exclusion/inequalities, and even create new, digital inequalities (Satar & Hauck, 2022). She proposed her model of Critical Virtual Exchange (CVE) and asked the audience to analyse VE case studies in her workshop and discuss whether or not their features reflected a CVE approach.
Dr Müge Satar, Reader in Applied Linguistics at Newcastle University, reported on the results of her recent research on VE: ‘An inclusive and multiliteracies-informed Virtual Exchange pedagogy through digital cultural artefacts’, she illustrated how the co-creation of digital artifacts in VE can promote inclusion and stated that language educators need to go beyond digital and multimodal literacy, and develop critical digital literacy (CDL) (Bilki et al., 2023). She invited the audience to reflect on how topics such as family, friends and folklore can be addressed at a deeper intercultural level, avoiding stereotyping ‘the other’.
After the lunch break, the co-tutelle (Coventry University/Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo) doctoral student Carlos Alberto Hildeblando Júnior provided a VE ‘taster’ based on his thesis work (Hildeblando Júnior, 2023): ‘Practising VE ‘in action’ with VETSDELT (Virtual Exchange as a Third Space to Decolonise ELT) – Topic: Native-speakerism’. Participants worked in Zoom breakout rooms to carry out tasks. Each group reported in writing on a shared Padlet wall and then fed back orally on their exchange in the interesting plenary feedback session that followed. The audience gave very positive feedback on this VE taster, participants who were new to VE in particular, who stated they were inspired to adopt this pedagogical approach in their practice.
Professor Dr Ana Cristina Biondo Salomão, Assistant Provost for International Affairs, from the Universidade Estadual Paulista and coordinator of the Brazilian Virtual Exchange Program (BRaVE), spoke next and delivered an interactive lecture-workshop on ‘Global-South/North perspectives on VE pedagogical models’. She challenged the audience to reflect on bias in South-North exchanges, starting with an analysis of world maps, that often misrepresent the Global South. She then illustrated very powerful interdisciplinary VEs led by Global South institutions (e.g.!/noticia/2178/brave-brazilian-virtual-exchange---internacionalizacao-em-casa), where, for example, students reading medicine in the UK and Brazil discussed their different approaches to epidemiology. Participants commented that the examples provided illustrated well how the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be embedded into South-North VEs to address global challenges.
Dr Kyria Finardi, Postgraduate Lead at Universidade Federal do Espríto Santo (UFES), Brazil, Vice-President of AILA and pioneer in the decolonisation of ELT, delivered her talk ‘Post-pandemic Virtual Exchange as a Third Space for English Teacher Education: Reflections on South-North technology-supported encounters and challenges’. She discussed how VE offers a transformational Third Space (Wimpenny et al. 2022), supporting the cross-disciplinary development of intercultural competence across shared multicultural and multilingual learning environments. She illustrated a British Academy/Leverhulme funded research project that investigates how VE can empower women ( She also invited the audience to reflect on the potential (and challenges) inherent to the integration of a combination of VE and AI into the HE curriculum, illustrating some of the issues arising with AI-generated pictures (one of Freire). The discussion that followed focused on the VE/AI interface.
Dr. Lynette Jacobs, Acting Director and Research Portfolio Lead in the Office for International Affairs at the University of the Free State in South Africa (VE expert not involved in language education) led the round table with very thought-provoking questions, e.g.: ‘As linguists, could you give consideration to how to ‘depower’ English in VE?’. An interesting discussion followed, Dr Finardi proposed the use of the intercomprehension pedagogical approach in language education VEs, rather than translanguaging, to foster an appreciation of languages as linguistic repertoires instead of named languages. Dr Hauck pointed out that translanguaging and intercomprehension are only mutually exclusive if we understand language education within the written/oral dichotomy, excluding the wider semiotic ‘armoury’ available for communication purposes, particularly in VE in the digital age, that offers a variety of digital
communication modes, as well illustrated by Dr Satar in her talk. Dr Salomão reported that BRaVE tries to promote the use of translanguaging, which is fluid, and the use of Portuguese in exchanges with Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa; however she also mentioned that sometimes decolonisation can be challenged from within in the Global South, as some of her Brazilian colleagues would prefer to work with institutions in the Global North and use English in VE and there is a need to change mindsets. Dr Jacobs concluded by challenging us further and proposing we destabilise English by carrying out VEs in languages otyer than English that VE participants are not familiar with. The discussion concluded with Dr Satar suggesting that it would be difficult to remove the power from English, but that learners could be made aware of the symbolic power of English in a critical way through VE and reflect on what actions they can take to destabilise it.
The feedback on the seminar was very positive, we are grateful to BAAL and Cambridge University Press for having sponsored the event.
Bilki, Z., Satar, M., Sak, M. (2023). Critical Digital Literacy in Virtual Exchange for ELT Teacher Education: an interpretivist methodology. ReCALL, 35(1), 58-73
Brazilian Virtual Exchange (BRaVE). Retrieved from:!/study/virtual-exchange-program/
Hildeblando Júnior, C. A. (2023). Virtual Exchange as a Third Space to Decolonise ELT (VETSDELT) project: report on its first action-research cycle. Retrieved from:
Satar, M., & Hauck, M. (2022). Exploring Digital Equity in Online Learning Communities. In A. M. Sousa Aguiar de Medeiros & D. Kelly (Eds.) Language Debates: Digital Media (pp. 270-290). John Murray Learning.
Wimpenny, K., Finardi, K., Orsini-Jones, M., & Jacobs, L. (2022). Knowing, Being, Relating and Expressing through Third Space Global South-North COIL: Digital Inclusion and Equity in International Higher Education. Journal of Studies in International Education, 26 (2), 279-296. doi: 10.1177/10283153221094085
Professor Kyria Finardi (UFES) was welcomed at the Brazilian Embassy in Malaysia.
On August 15, 2024, Professor Kyria Finardi (UFES) was received at the Brazilian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, by Ambassador Ary Norton de Murat Quintela and Counselor Felipe Lermen to express gratitude for the support received in 2022 for her trip to Malaysia in preparation for her role as the President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). She was accompanied by her Brazilian colleagues, Francisco José Quaresma de Figueiredo and Gabriel Brito Amorim, professors at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). They discussed the AILA, the role of the Portuguese language in the internationalization of knowledge, and a South-South international cooperation project coordinated by Professor Finardi.
The inauguration will take place at the conclusion of the AILA World Congress, held in Kuala Lumpur from August 12-16, with the participation of approximately 2,000 researchers from over 70 countries. AILA is a confederation of nearly 40 national affiliate associations worldwide, and Professor Finardi will be the first Latin American to lead the organization.
Professora Kyria Finardi se encontra com colegas da Universidade Católica del Maule (UCM)
Professora Kyria Finardi se encontra com colegas da Universidade Católica del Maule (UCM) no Chile dentro do marco do projeto Fondecyt coordenado pela colega Valeria Sumonte Rojas (UCM)
sobre a interculturalidde e ensino de línguas. Participaram da reunião integrantes da secretaria de relações internacionais da UCM como Jorge Burgos e na pauta discutiram a criação de um espaço para pensar a internacionalização com selo social fortalecendo os laços na América Latina e Sul Global.
UFG as a pilot for a faculty training network for Internationalization at Home initiatives
Partnership between Ufes, UFG, UFRGS, and Unesp for Internationalization at Home
Ufes promotes virtual exchanges for undergraduate and graduate students
Professor Kyria Finardi, in partnership with Marcelo Kremer from the University of Aveiro in Portugal, will offer the course
Professor Kyria Finardi, in partnership with Marcelo Kremer from the University of Aveiro in Portugal, will offer the course "English as a Medium of Instruction and Intercultural Competence: Pedagogical Approaches" for UFES and UA faculty. The training is 6 hours long, divided into three 2-hour sessions on June 24 and 27, and July 1, from 10:30 to 12:30 (Brasília) / 14:30 to 16:30 (Lisbon).
The internationalization process in Higher Education has promoted the adoption of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) worldwide, mainly to attract international students, faculty, and researchers, aiming to enhance institutional prestige and revenue. Beyond economic goals, EMI is seen as a context for fostering interculturally competent students in attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Studies in various contexts have shown that intercultural competence is one of the most valued and necessary skills for employers in a globalized world that seeks peace and social cohesion. However, literature suggests that faculty do not feel prepared to develop students' intercultural competence in their teaching practices. In this context, the training covers: English Medium Instruction – motivations and strategies; development of students' intercultural competence; Intercultural pedagogy and EMI.
General Objectives:
Equip faculty to tackle challenges arising from adopting English as the medium of instruction and developing students' intercultural competence through the analysis and discussion of practices.
Share and discuss strategies for developing intercultural competence in their teaching practices.
Promote collaborative and interdisciplinary work between faculty at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Brazil).
Specific Objectives:
Deepen knowledge of the concepts of English Medium Instruction and Intercultural Competence.
Deepen knowledge on how to promote the development of intercultural competence.
Reflect on and develop curriculum design proposals that contribute to the development of students' intercultural competence.
More information and registration: Course Registration
Note: UFES faculty should use their institutional emails ( for registration.
Debate about internationalization possibilities in the Letras area
Professor Kyria Finardi, in october 2023, will participate as keynote speaker in "The 10th International Conference on English Language Teaching in China".
Professor Kyria Finardi (UFES) was welcomed at the Brazilian Embassy in Malaysia.
On August 15, 2024, Professor Kyria Finardi (UFES) was received at the Brazilian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, by Ambassador Ary Norton de Murat Quintela and Counselor Felipe Lermen to express gratitude for the support received in 2022 for her trip to Malaysia in preparation for her role as the President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). She was accompanied by her Brazilian colleagues, Francisco José Quaresma de Figueiredo and Gabriel Brito Amorim, professors at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). They discussed the AILA, the role of the Portuguese language in the internationalization of knowledge, and a South-South international cooperation project coordinated by Professor Finardi.
The inauguration will take place at the conclusion of the AILA World Congress, held in Kuala Lumpur from August 12-16, with the participation of approximately 2,000 researchers from over 70 countries. AILA is a confederation of nearly 40 national affiliate associations worldwide, and Professor Finardi will be the first Latin American to lead the organization.
The Association of Applied Linguistics Worldwide (, AILA for the French abbreviation – Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée – founded in 1964 in France, today it has approximately 10 thousand members spread in regional and national associations linked to AILA in more than 40 countries.
In Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics - ALAB - ( ) linked to AILA completed 30 years last year and had professor Kyria Rebeca Finardi of the DCLE/PPGE/PPGEL/UFES as its president in the 2018-2019 biennium, when it organized the 12th Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics (CBLA), held for the first time in Vitória, ES ( kyriafinardi/videos/12o-cbla/ )
which had the presentation of approximately 600 works by applied linguists from all regions of Brazil and abroad.
In 2020, Professor Kyria Finardi had the support of AILA and its national associations in Brazil (ALAB), Spain (AESLA), United States (AAAL) and Mexico (AMLA) to create the Iberoamerican Association of Applied Linguistics (AIALA) ( )
with the objective of promoting the two main languages of the region (Spanish and Portuguese) in addition to the minority languages of the region, among them the indigenous languages.
On August 14, 2021, during the assembly that preceded the opening of the AILA world congress in Groningen, Netherlands ( ) Professor Kyria Finardi was elected to compose the AILA board in the role of vice president (2021-2023), president (2024-2026) and past president (2027-2029), being the first Brazilian and Latin American to hold this position in the history of AILA.
Book release
Applied Linguistics in Contemporary: Themes & Challenges
From July 12 to 15, 2021, the launch event of the book Linguistics Applied in Contemporaneity: Themes & Challenges will take place, organized by Kyria Finardi, Christine Almeida and Gabriel Amorim.
The event will feature conversation circles with the authors who participated in this book and which will be available on the youtube channel.
To access the full program of the event click on the pdf icon, to access the youtube channel click on the channel logo, and to access the book purchase website click on the book cover below:
YouTube Videos
Day 1 video:
2nd day video:
3rd day video:
Information about the book
The book Applied Linguistics in Contemporary: Themes and Challenges brings together works presented at the 12th Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics (CBLA), promoted by the Brazilian Applied Linguistics Association (ALAB), held in Vitória in July 2019. There are 10 chapters divided into 4 sections : Gender and Identity Studies: Translation and Deocolonial Studies; Language Teaching and Teacher Training; and Language Policies and Internationalization. The approaches and themes explored by 14 authors include, among others, Discourse Analysis, Language Education, Translation and Audio Description Studies, and Complexity Studies. The book was organized by Kyria Rebeca Finardi, Christine Sant'Anna de Almeida and Gabriel Brito Amorim. The authors are: Atef El Kadri, Camila Moreira, Carmem Caetano, Daniel Ferraz, Deise Medina, Elaine Ferreira do Vale Borges, Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira, Joaquim Cesar Cunha dos Santos, Juliana Zeggio Martinez, Lucyenne Matos da Costa Vieira-Machado, Maria José Coracini, Michele El Kadri, Patrick de Rezende Ribeiro, Taisa Pinetti Passoni, Vilson José Leffa and Wilson Junior de Araújo Carvalho. The edition is by Pontes Editores.
The book is on sale with a 20% discount on the publisher's website ( ). Submission information by moderate printed mail can be obtained from Margareth (