Books released
These are the titles that were launched at the 12th CBLA event held in 2019:
@ Copyright © 2020 12th CBLA – 12th Brazilian Congress of Applied Linguistics
The BNCC and the Teaching of Languages and Literatures
Ana Flavia Gerhardt; Marcel Amorim (org.)
This book discusses the National Curricular Common Base, planned since the enactment of the Education Guidelines and Bases Law since 1996, prepared for groups regimented in past governments and now delivered in effective implementation. We propose to dialogue about some of its premises and propositions regarding the authors' field of interest and research – studies in languages and literature -, identifying the domains of thinkability in which the contents of the BNCC fall.
The diversity of actions around language: Universities, Faculties and Basic Education in action
Kyria Finardi, Marta Scherre, Leila Tesch, Hebe Carvalho (Org.)
This book portrays the dynamics of the ideas of the coordinated sessions of the IV Congress of Linguistic Studies (IV Conel), held at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (Ufes), on November 16 and 17, 2017, under the theme “Language, discourse and politics: contemporary challenges” and consists of 23 chapters, involving 88 people, a final product of 23 of the 26 coordinated sessions. We emphasize the importance of the work because it is configured as a democratic space for the exchange of actions with protagonists and plural narratives that transit through universities, colleges and schools. The organizers are teachers who also transit in these spaces.
Research in Education and Languages: Perspectives in Dialogue
Kyria Rebeca Finardi
This book represents a collective effort from the Education and Languages research line of the Graduate Program in Education – PPGE, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year and which began to be thought of on the occasion of the program's 30th anniversary. The themes and research objects discussed here permeate different languages in the interface with education within the tripartition between Mathematical, Verbal and Visual Language. We hope that the reader will find in this work significant contributions to dialogue with new paths and research practices in the area of Education and Languages.
Arbole y Rizomas – Revista de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios
Miguel Farias (Ed)
The magazine Árboles y Rizomas offers a space for academic dialogue around investigations in the field of literary and linguistic studies, provoking those who have language at the center of their concerns, whether in poetic expressions or in its concretization as a language in use in speeches. and diverse discursive genres.
Its objective is to stimulate, disseminate and contribute to the development of literary and linguistic studies in their multiple areas of convergence.
Chat with language educators: literacies, teacher education and criticality/Chatting with language educators: literacy, teacher education and critique
Orgs: Daniel de Mello Ferraz and Cláudia Jotto Kawachi-Furlan
This work aims to promote a conversation that not only aims to crown several conversations that we have had with these authors in congresses, meetings, courses, classes and moments of relaxation, but also to reinforce that, in ultra conservative times and attacks on higher education in this country, language education through the English language has been acquiring fundamental roles in the design of new ways of looking at language, language teaching, teacher training and its relations with society. In this regard, we draw attention to some of the themes that are fundamental in these new perspectives: genders, sexualities, homosexuality, feminism, races, racism, diversity, inequality, prejudice, discrimination, emotions, identities, subjectivity, modernity, postmodernity, academia, academicism, public school, early childhood education, assessment, literacies, multiliteracies, digital literacy, visual literacies, visual culture, new technologies, language and language views, language policies and, of course, language education in English.
Challenges in teacher training in Applied Linguistics
Walkyria Magno e Silva, Wagner Rodrigues Silva, Diego Muñoz Campos,
This book brings together studies in the field of teacher training, in different aspects of Applied Linguistics. It addresses relevant themes in the contemporary world for reflections and language practices of language teachers and trainers of these professionals. Different scenarios of teaching and training policies for language teachers are described, conducted in a more or less planned way in different countries and by different agents. The chapters are written by applied linguists working in North America and, mainly, in Latin America, including representatives from Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay. There are eleven selected texts in which several voices meet and share valuable experiences, which can be welcomed or confronted by readers, enabling the continuity of the dialogue. This collection is intended for undergraduate students in Letters and Pedagogy, graduate students and teachers, who, based on the dialogue raised by the authors, will be able to visualize the complexity of the processes involved in being and training teachers.
Language education in foreign languages
Orgs: Daniel de Mello Ferraz and Cláudia Jotto Kawachi-Furlan
This book is the result of a series of training initiatives by the Study Group on Critical Education in Foreign Languages (GEEC-LE) developed over the last four years, involving university professors, undergraduate and graduate students and in-service professors (…) excelling for a critical perspective for the teaching of foreign languages, the texts that make up this collection recover the social and political function of a foreign language in school and in society, bringing, to students in training and teachers in service, a breath of hope ( in the Freirean sense) by illustrating possible mobilizations with a view to transforming their local contexts. At the same time, the work contributes to the strengthening of scientific production in the field of Brazilian Applied Linguistics, by presenting, with quality, the results of academic research (Prof. Dra. Ana Paula Duboc – FEUSP)
English in the South
Kyria Rebeca Finardi (Org)
The teaching/learning/use of English plays a key role in the geopolitical South. It is important to consider how players in different contexts are impacted by English since globalization and one of its agent, internationalization of higher education, have more positive impacts on the “North” than in the “South” mainly due to a linguistic bias which favors English-speaking countries and those which, despite speaking other native languages, adopted English as the language of instruction. So as to see how these forces are interpreted in the geopolitical South this book offers a glimpse of how English is taught, learned, used and seen in different contexts in Latin America and in the global “South”.
It was a coup: Brazil 2016 in review
Ana Carolina Galvão; Junia Claudia Santana de Mattos Zaidan; Wilberth Salgueiro (Org.)
The set of texts in the collection, by giving us solid elements of the forces that constitute the sphinx that threatens democracy, freedom of thought and organization, criminalizes social movements and left-wing thinking, also gives us elements to decipher it. A fundamental step so that, without hatred, but fighting for justice, institutional, political, legal and cultural forces can be constituted to rise from the ashes.
Teacher training in English: different perspectives
Orgs: Ana Karina de Oliveira Nascimento; Vanderlei J. Zacchi
This book is yet another contribution to the area of literacies and the training of language teachers in Brazil. Its proposal is to present different texts that address the training of English teachers that took place in the project of “Continuing Education of Teachers of English as an Additional Language” in Sergipe. The book brings together works by professors from the Federal University of Sergipe, professors from other Brazilian institutions, teachers of basic education and undergraduate students. All participated, in some way, in the above project, implemented in the form of an extension course, divided into four modules during the year 2017. The texts presented here are different perspectives around these four modules, involving their most varied actors. We hope that, in addition to being a contribution to the area of literacies and the training of language teachers, this book will give rise to many reflections and discussions on these topics, which are so relevant and in evidence today.
Language teacher training: lessons learned from Antonieta Celani
Christine Sant'Anna de Almeida; Neiva da Silva Rego Ravagnoli; Paulo Good Luck (Org.)
This work is a tribute to Prof. Dr. Maria Antonieta Alba Celani, founder of the field of Applied Linguistics in Brazil, in the year 1970, and who, unfortunately, left us in mid-November 2018. It was organized by three of her PhD advisees from the Postgraduate Studies Program in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies at PUC-SP. The chapters that make up this collection are the result of 12 researches guided by Prof. Celani, in recent years, all related to the training of language teachers, but presenting a wide diversity of epistemological, methodological and data analysis perspectives, at master's, doctoral and postdoctoral levels. We hope, in addition to being a contribution to the field of language teacher training in contemporary times, that this work will instigate its readers to reflect very pertinent to this field of study.
Glocal languages and Critical Intercultural Awareness
Manuela Guilherme; Lynn Mario T. Menezes Souza (Ed.)
This volume provides a new perspective on prevailing discourses on translanguaging and multilingualism by looking at 'glocal' languages, local languages which have been successfully “globalized”. Focusing on European languages recreated in Latin America, the book features examples from languages underexplored in the literature, including Brazilian Portuguese, Amerinidian poetics, and English, Spanish, Portuguese outside Europe, as a
basis for advocating for an approach to language education rooted in critical pedagogy and post-colonial perspectives and countering hegemonic theories of globalization. While rooted in a discussion of the South, the book offers a fresh voice in current debates on language education that will be of broader interest to students and scholars across disciplines, including language education, multilingualism, cultural studies, and linguistic anthropology.
(im)possible horizons in the internship: literacy practices and language teacher training
Carla L. Reichmann and Ana Lúcia Guedes-Pinto (orgs.)
The discourses analyzed here, which appear in the voices of university professors of the Supervised Curricular Internship discipline and in those of their students, on the eve of entering the profession, and after a recent immersion in the eandros of the school (or even simultaneously to such immersion), evidence, in general, that the impermeability of the walls that separate the university from everyday school life is penetrable, and can be broken in situations such as those reported: new pedagogical practices, new training genres, new and instigating questions, a real concern with the history that emerges from the texts in portfolios, memories, videos, life stories are elements that, little by little, make the internship experience a harmonious mix of social practices in which different spheres (school and university, student and professional) intertwine, get to know each other, permeate each other. . This is when there are university professors who believe, as Ana Lúcia and Carla show when organizing this work, in their power as trainers of future professors who unite, who converge in their work, who use art, the many languages, the paths common to in order to delineate, for these new teachers, possible horizons.
Innovations and epistemological challenges in Applied Linguistics: South American perspectives
Paula Tatianne Carrera Szundy; Rogerio Tilio; Glenda Cristina Valim de Melo (Orgs.)
This collection brings together a selection of works presented by South American applied linguists during the 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA World Congress Rio 2017), held at the Windsor Barra Hotel & Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro, in period from July 23 to 28, 2017. The World Congress of Applied Linguistics of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) is held every three years and is the largest international event in the field, bringing together around 1500 researchers and/or professionals from all areas of Applied Linguistics (AL) and/or from areas with which LA maintains inter/transdisciplinary dialogues.
Interculturality and identities: training of Spanish teachers
Orgs: Doris Cristina Vicente da Silva Matos; Marcia Paraquett
This book proposes to dialogue with basic education teachers and language teacher trainers, especially those of Spanish, bringing together research that reflects on contemporary issues related to language education in Spanish for Brazilians. Discussions are presented that reveal the intrinsic relationship between the intercultural training of teachers for basic education and the commitment to social inclusion, highlighting the social diversity of races, ethnicities, genders and sexualities. It also discusses didactic material as an autonomous tool committed to the citizenship education of teachers and language learners. In this way, this book highlights contemporary issues that value the encounter and understanding with the other, as essential for the construction of a liberating pedagogy.
Language education and the university: voicing worldviews and fostering knowledge production in undergraduate contexts
Orgs: Daniel de Mello Ferraz and Ana Paula Martinez Duboc
In this book, we propose to depart from the complex academic arena traditionally marked with complex power relations in an attempt to decolonize some academic practices from inside out by voicing undergraduate students and valuing their meaning making processes and knowledge production. In doing so, critical language education supported by the contributions of critical literacies studies and postcolonial/decolonial stance seems to offer fruitful paths.
Literacy in Practice in the Initial Training of English Teachers
Clarissa Jordan; Juliana Zeggio Martinez; Walkyria Monte Mor (Orgs)
This book makes its debut at a very opportune moment in our country's E history. Never before in human history has critical thinking been so necessary in our day-to-day lives. With the ease of disseminating news around the world with a simple click of a contraption nicknamed "computer mouse", the possibility of distorting the truth of facts also increased, on an exponential scale, "planting" fictitious news, news that, for so to speak, they earn their own living, going viral in cyberspace at a speed unimaginable in ages past. The authors of this book address this and many other issues relevant to teaching. As I alluded above, these efforts come to fill a repressed demand, especially when the teaching of the English language in our country is under discussion. May the efforts of the Organizers of this highly relevant book have repercussions in the academic world, stimulating greater debate and awareness of all those who, in one way or another, are involved in the enterprise of working with the English language in our country.
Language, Discourse and Politics: contemporary challenges
Kyria Rebeca Finardi; Luciano Vidon; Maria Marta Pereira Scherre (Orgs)
This work is the result of works presented in conferences and round tables of the IV CONEL – CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE ESTUDOS LINGUÍSTICOS -, carried out by the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PPGEL), of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), in November 2017. 2017. The theme of the congress, Language, Discourse and Politics: contemporary challenges, which gives its title to the work, very well reflects and refracts the contemporary Brazilian and global socio-political context, within which conservative, fascist tendencies are forged, which they question human rights, are repulsed by diversities and want to place themselves in an undemocratic power relationship, that is, without the participation of the broad, complex and heterogeneous mass of the population. Such a stance directly affects human relations with languages and with languages, given that, as the
theme of the congress indicates, language, language, discourse and politics are indissoluble, or, in other words, language(gem) and politics mix, yes, inside the discourses. Directly or indirectly, the chapters presented here go in that direction, have this perspective, that language and discourse are politically constitutive and that, in the same way, policies are constitutive of languages and discourses. We hope that the readings proposed here are lively and powerful, and that they build networks of thought and action, for a better world, for a more human Brazil.
Applied Linguistics: teaching, research and reflections
Aurelia Leal Lima Lyrio (Org)
This book is primarily concerned with issues of language teaching and learning, as well as research and reflection in this area. Learning a language, both mother and foreign, is a fascinating and complex process that involves an intricate number of variables that interact with each other. These variables make teaching equally complex, especially in the globalized world we live in today. As teachers, we do not have full control over them, which makes our task arduous and challenging. And yet, despite the multitude of studies in this area, we still have a lot to learn. In this sense, we hope that the issues discussed in the articles presented can enlighten us and, in this way, make us reflect on the process of teaching and learning a language, contributing to the enrichment of our knowledge of this enchanting universe.
Research Manual in Linguistic Studies
Vera Lucia Menezes de Oliveira e Paiva
This book is intended to assist students and teachers interested in research on linguistic studies, applied linguistics, and education. What is research, the various types of research and ethics in research are the initial themes, followed by the description of the eight research methods most used in research on language(gem) and language teaching. In the chapter on quantitative methods, the various types of experiment (classical, quasi-experiment and pre-experiment) and the opinion survey or survey are described, all accompanied by examples and indication of the most important aspects of each research method. Next, six qualitative research methods are detailed and exemplified so that the reader can understand how to use each method. They are: bibliographic research, case study, action research, ethnographic research, narrative research and grounded theory. The book breaks new ground by reproducing 116 research tips published by the author on Facebook throughout 2017.
Cultural metaphor: persuasion and revelation
Marcelo Saparas and Sumiko Nishitani Ikeda
This book is the result of a research project that seeks to show, in a clear and accessible way, how the study of metaphor can be used in the translation of American film titles from English to Portuguese and how these metaphors, influenced by local culture, can persuade the reader. The research on which the book was based had the theoretical support of systemic-functional grammar. The metaphor is a resource that has been used since the beginning and has aroused the interest not only of researchers and linguists, but also of professionals, teachers and learners, in areas such as psychology, philosophy and lexicology. In this context, this work appears as a useful instrument for those who wish to delve deeper into the studies of cultural metaphor. The book also provides a brief introduction to concepts such as metonymy and persuasion. In addition, the book brings an overview of the latest research on metaphor, metonymy and relates them to the linguistic choices that involve persuasive processes.
Multimodality and teaching: multiple perspectives
Clarice Lage Gualberto; Sonia Maria de Oliveira Pimenta; Záira Bomfante dos Santos (Orgs)
This book, written by teachers for teachers, presents research that seeks to dialogue with the contributions of the multimodal approach in the Brazilian context; thus, we discussed multiple perspectives that multimodality brings to thinking about teaching issues. Currently, we teach in higher education, but we already work at different levels and deal with students who are teachers in basic education. The work in the teaching area has shown that the teaching practice - at all levels and areas - has become even more challenging, especially due to the speed of production and dissemination of information through digital technologies.
In view of this context, the multimodal approach is relevant, as it directly contributes to the expansion of the concept of text, which is always constituted by more than one semiotic mode (writing, image, layout, sounds, colors, etc.). A pedagogical practice that encompasses the various forms of materialization of meaning is, therefore, fundamental for those who aim to promote relevant teaching, seeking to encourage students to have a reflective attitude in relation to the texts they produce and with which they interact. The initiative to organize this book arose from this need to encourage discussion on multimodality and teaching, in a consistent way, but at the same time being objective and oriented towards the activity of the teacher in the classroom. We hope, therefore, that this book can facilitate and promote the connection between academic research and pedagogical practice, with reports and theoretical reflections on the multimodal approach and teaching practice at different levels and segments.
The Spanish textbook in the Brazilian school
Cristiano Silva de Barros; Elzimar Goettenauer de Marins-Costa; Luciana Maria Almeida de Freitas (Orgs)
The texts of The Spanish textbook in the Brazilian school provide an overview of the production and use of the Spanish textbook in Brazil, showing a trajectory in which there were steps forward, but also setbacks, outlining a radiograph of the moment when we we find: with a story to tell from what has been built up to the present, but without a well-defined horizon.
With the withdrawal of Spanish from the school curriculum and its probable absence from the PNLD, the future of language education in this language seems uncertain, however, we understand that persisting in academic work and teaching, whenever possible, can allow, if not advances, at least minor setbacks in the face of educational policies that compromise citizen training. With this book, we leave a stimulus for teachers and researchers who have been fighting for Spanish in schools and universities for almost a century. The Spanish language is a linguistic and cultural asset to which our students are entitled, because it is a place for interaction, dialogue and encounter with other peoples.
Who sings the Nation-State?
Sandra Goulart Almeida; Vanderlei J. Zacchi (Trans)
In Who sings the nation-state?, Judith Butler and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak make pertinent considerations about the situation of the “stateless”, people who for various reasons were forced to leave their countries to live in other lands without being able to obtain the citizen status. The authors present a relevant analysis of contemporary issues that afflict people around the world, based on notions such as citizenship, identity, belonging and exile. Residing in the United States, both theorists are considered two of the most representative and influential names in the field of critical and literary studies in contemporary times.
In this book, which follows the interview genre to give the authors the possibility to reflect freely on the topics addressed, Butler and Spivak dialogue with other thinkers, such as Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben. The critical conversation between these two thought-provoking theorists takes us on a reflective journey led by them, with “the promise of the unrealizable”, a double movement that points to a promise and a possibility, while showing us the difficulty of dealing with such thorny and controversial topics at a time no less complex. Behind the detailed and vibrant critical analysis that both develop, there is also the care to reflect on the language and discourse that shape not only our thoughts, but mainly our conceptions and constructions of the world.
Identity issues in foreign language teaching
Jaqueline Barros; Marcelo Santos; Rogério Tílio (Orgs)
The book we present here is composed of twelve chapters and is divided into three parts, consecutively entitled: "Identities and foreign language teaching: general issues", "Identity and foreign language teaching: textbooks" and "Identities and foreign language teaching: formation of teachers”. We invite readers to get to know the chapters better, in order to (re)think how cultural and identity issues have been crossing our foreign language classes and how we can better take advantage of this space to not only teach language, but teach it by promoting reflections. criticisms that contribute not only to learning, but also to a more comprehensive and citizen education of the learner.
Academic writing: multiple perspectives for teaching academic writing in Portuguese and foreign languages
Marília Mendes Ferreira; Vivian Cristina Rio Stella (Orgs)
In this book, the author will have contact with relevant pedagogical proposals that can guide their actions and inspire the institutions where they work to promote academic literacy in a consistent and grounded way. There are nine pioneering academic literacy initiatives in Portuguese, English and French from different theoretical perspectives.
Transiting and transposing in applied linguistics
Adriana de Carvalho Kuerten Dellagnelo; Etelvo Ramos Filho; Kyria Rebeca Finardi; Rogério Casanovas Tílio; Vladia Maria Cabral Borges (Orgs)
The 12th CBLA, held in Vitória/ES, from July 9 to 12, 2019, sought to discuss the role of the applied linguist in different discursive domains and ways to better disseminate the knowledge built in the area. With the theme “Transiting and transposing (in)Applied Linguistics”, the 12th CBLA had 4 conferences, 3 roundtables, 8 invited symposia, 1 plenary of assessments and perspectives, in addition to around 600
thematic communications and 50 posters. This book brings together works presented in the plenary sessions of the event – conferences, round tables and invited symposia, with the aim of enabling the discussions initiated at the event to transpose the event and transit through other spaces and researchers.
University and school: reflections and interdisciplinary practices
Eliana Márcia dos Santos Carvalho; Ginaldo Cardoso de Araújo; Janaina de Jesus Santos (Orgs)
This book inaugurates the Interdisciplinary Teaching Practices Collection and brings together texts that investigate the interdisciplinary approach at school and in teacher training, dealing with practical issues in the quest to reinvent school and university daily life. It is framed in the conception of interdisciplinarity as a crossing between epistemological and pedagogical knowledge mobilized to understand and act on reality. The university and the school were problematized in the context of
globalization and neoliberalism, considering topics such as teacher training, the teaching and learning process and the inclusion of representative minorities. It seeks to reflect on knowledge produced at the university, intertwined with emerging knowledge from pedagogical practices at school. Education, therefore, is thought of as a practice that allows the constitution of subjects and not just a sequence of contents and completion of internships for insertion in the job market. The work is part of current themes, capable of instigating education professionals and teachers from various fields to re-signify their practices and their professional daily life. The current historical moment is marked by the questioning of hegemonies, the denaturalization of power relations and the demand for recognition of historically marginalized subjects and identities, and calls us to recreate teaching and its subjects.
Experiences of supervised pre-professional curricular teaching practices. Initial training of the Spanish language teacher / L2
The first edition of this volume arises from my experiences in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) and research carried out in the field of Applied Linguistics (AL), whose general objective is to critically understand how the organization of the Practice of Teaching/Supervised Curriculum Internship in Spanish as a Foreign Language (PECS-LE) in the Letters course: Portuguese-Spanish at a Higher Education Institution (HEI) enables the articulation of theory and practice in the critical-reflective training of the future HE educator, in the context from the Estremo Norte Amazon Region on the border between Brazil and Venezuela and British Guiana. This complexity is related to the understanding of the course curriculum in the Pedagogical Political Project. The PE/ECS are curricular components that are the foundations of the profession in the praxis and in the linguistic and pedagogical training of the FL educator.