Dr. Valentin Uwizeyimana
En construcción*
Dr. Valentin Uwizeyimana is a Research Associate at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, a Lecturer at the University of Rwanda in Rwanda, and a Visiting Researcher at Technische Universität Chemnitz in Germany. He holds a PhD, and a Masters (Cum Laude) in Technology for Language Learning, as well as a Postgraduate Diploma in Second Language Studies obtained from Stellenbosch University, and a Bachelor with Honours (Arts with Education) obtained from the former Kigali Institute of Education, currently the University of Rwanda. Amongst his research interests are foreign and second language studies, language policy and planning, technology for language learning (computer-assisted language learning, mobile-assisted language learning), discourse analysis, and emerging technologies in education.
ORCiD Profile: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2464-5324
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=YvX3GxwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Valentin_Uwizeyimana
Selected Publications:
Uwizeyimana, V. 2021. The University of Rwanda response to COVID-19. In N. Radić, А. Atabekova, M. Freddi & J. Schmied (Eds). The world universities’ response to COVID-19: Remote online language teaching. Voillans: Research Publishing, pp. 95-108.
Uwizeyimana, V. & Niyomugabo, C. 2021. Mobile Technologies, Input Hypothesis and Second Language Acquisition in the Rwandan Context. Rwandan Journal of Education, 5 (1): 119 – 128.
Uwizeyimana, V. 2018. Digital Native (ness), Mobile Technologies and Language Proficiency in Underdeveloped Countries. Register Journal, 11 (2): 121 – 138.
Uwizeyimana, V. 2018. An Investigation into the Effect of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning on Rwandan University Students’ Proficiency in English as a Foreign Language. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Niyomugabo, C. & Uwizeyimana, V. 2018. A top-down orthography change and language attitudes in the context of a language-loyal country. Language Policy, 17 (3): 307 – 318.
Uwizeyimana, V. 2016. Effects of Mobile Assisted Language Learning on Second Language Input: A Case of English in Rwanda. Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.
Uwizeyimana, V. 2015. An Investigation into the Contribution of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning to the Acquisition of English as a Second Language in Rwanda. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Gafaranga, J., Niyomugabo, C. & Uwizeyimana, V. 2013. Micro declared language policy or not?: Language policy – like statements in the rules of procedure of the Rwandan Parliament. Language Policy, 12 (4): 313 – 332.
Uwizeyimana, V. 2008. Umwîifato n’îmyuûmvire y’âbanyeêshuûri ku byêerekeranye nô kwîiga mu mashâmi y’ûbumenyi cyaangwâ ay’indîmi mu mashuûri makurû: Urugero rwaâ KIE.