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Dr. Anik Nandi

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Dr. Anik Nandi earned his PhD in 2017 as a prestigious James Watt Fellow from the  Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Dr. Nandi is currently working as  an Associate Professor of Multicultural Communication in the School of Business at  Woxsen University, Telangana, India. He is also the Founding Director of the Centre  for Languages and Multicultural Communication, the Founding Director of the first  ever Galician Studies Centre in Asia (funded by the Govt. of Galicia, Spain) and Chair  for Language Policy Studies in his current institution. Prior to this, Anik worked as a  Senior Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of the Basque Country, Spain where  he conducted research on the intergenerational transmission of Basque and Galician (in  Spain) languages. The aforementioned project secured an individual funding of 97,800  Euros for 3 years from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the  European Union’s Covid Recovery Fund. Anik is also a Senior Research Associate  (Hon.) at the Sociolinguistic Seminar of the Royal Galician Language Academy (Spain),  a Visiting Researcher at the Leiden Centre for Linguistics (The Netherlands), and a  Collaborator at the research centre attached to the UNESCO Chair on World Language  Heritage in the University of the Basque Country (Spain). Dr. Nandi specialises in  language policy and literacy practices in multilingual settings and his research papers  appeared in many prestigious international journals linked to Cultural Studies and  Applied Linguistics. Between 2021-24, he worked as the Book Reviews Editor of the  Sociolinguistic Studies journal (ISSN: 1750-8649; Scopus and Q2), Equinox Publishing,  United Kingdom. 

Key publications:  

Nandi, A. & Zabrodskaja, A. Eds. (2024) Journal Special Issue: Family as a language  policy regime: Agency, negotiation and local practices, Sociolinguistic Studies, 18 (1– 2). 

Nandi, A. (2024). Family dynamics towards heritage language maintenance: The case  of Indian transnationals in Northern Ireland, Sociolinguistic Studies, 18 (1–2), 199- 221. 

Nandi, A. et al. (2023). Countering government’s low-intensity language policies on  the ground: Family language policies in Castilian-Spanish dominated Galicia and  Navarre, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 1- 


Nandi, A. et al. (2023). Reclaiming voice through bottom-up family  language policies: Sociolinguistic citizenship in Castilian-dominated  multilingual urban settings. In C. Korb et. al (Eds.) The Power of Voice in  Transforming Multilingual Societies. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 101- 120. DOI: Nandi, A. (2023). Micropolíticas lingüísticas familiares de resistencia. Estrategias  parentales para la transmisión intergeneracional del gallego, Revista Española de  Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 36(1), 154- 177. 

Carruthers, J. & Nandi, A. (2021). Supporting Speakers of Community Languages. A  Case Study of Policy and Practice in Primary Schools, Current Issues in Language  Planning, 22(3), 269-289. Nandi, A. (2018). Parents as stakeholders: Language management in urban  Galician homes, Multilingua, 37(2), 201-223.

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